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Installing Dive Tables - Pocket PC Edition is very simple. Download the appropriate executable for your Pocket PC device for our website. Once you have downloaded the executable from our website., run it. This will start Dive Tables - Pocket PC Edition Setup which will install all the components required to run the application onto your Pocket PC.

Note that if you are using Pocket PC 2003 device you should install the file DiveTables_ARMV4.exe. If you are running Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile 6 install the file DiveTables_WM5.exe.

Dive Tables is based on Microsoft's .NET Compact Framework 2.0. Most Pocket PCs do not have .NET Compact Framework 2.0 installed. You can download the Framework from Microsoft's website.

Install screenshot

Dive Tables
Download the dive table you want to install from our website and unzip the downloaded file. The extracted file has the extension tab. Copy file to the My Documents folder on your Pocket PC and run Dive Tables - Pocket PC Edition . Click on the Manage menu, this will bring up the Manage window. The Manage window contains a list of all the installed dive tables. To import the new dive table click File->Import on the menu bar and select the dive table in the Open window. The application will automatically install the new dive table. To view the table click and hold on the table when it appears in the Manage window and select Set as Current from the popup window. Click OK and the new table will be loaded into the main window.

Product | Install/Upgrade | User Guide | FAQ | Download